July 12 12:47 am
7 lbs, 10 oz.
20 inches
Payton Mai Dial finally arrived on Saturday July 12th one day before her due date. I was supposed to be induced on Tuesday, July 8th, but the new IMC hospital was too busy so they bumped me for 3 days. Finally on Friday they started me at around 4:00 pm. It was the longest 3 days of my life. It was like postponing christmas for 3 days only 100 times worse. After much waiting and anticipating she was born early Saturday morning 12:47 am. It was a long night and we didn't get much sleep! The kids came up the next morning around 8 am and they instantly fell in love with her. They are so cute with her. She is such a good baby and we feel so blessed to have her in our family. Everything went really smoothly with delivery and we are adjusting to having a newborn around again, you forget how much work they are!!